Oneness Foundation's soul mission and passion is to create a New & More Loving World!!
Through spiritual education we aim to contribute to the success and longevity of visionaries & philanthropists emotionally, mentally and strategically as we increase the survival of eco businesses & philanthropic projects.
Our community service is to help support humanity to evolve their consciousness from fear to love, so we create a world where the masses care for & respect each other and all life around them.
Our purpose is to end suffering around our globe forever.
The members are committed to the purpose of the Foundation and its associates.
The Foundation as a community service provider, operates to further its primary purpose and objectives and provide benevolent services to the community and to fund, facilitate, implement, and operate sustainable projects with contributions from investments or funds gifted to meet the purpose of the Foundation.
The Foundation operates privately as a non profit, unincorporated, non government organisation, which includes such purposes as the giving and receiving of financial and other resources and contributions between the foundation’s other members & associates for its purpose.
Gaby Kowalski is the Founder of Oneness Foundation.
With 20 years immersed in Personal, Spiritual & Professional Evolution, Gaby is a Speaker, Quantum Teacher, Evolution, Business & Abundance Mentor/Coach, and the Creator of ‘The New Earth Mission Empire Codex’, ‘The Slave Codes’, & ‘The Divine Abundance Codex’.

It was 2003 and I was driving to a sales appointment, listening to a Tony Robins CD program….
Tony was sharing many stories of how people would approach him saying:
“Thank you .. you changed my life“
In that moment something ignited my soul… my eyes welled up with tears and I thought to myself…
I want to do that!!
I want to make a profound difference in people’s lives!
I want to create a life of freedom doing what I love!
I want to live a life of financial abundance!
In my heart, what I really wanted was to honour my parents’ sacrifices. Because they had risked everything immigrating from Poland when I was 5 years old, to provide my brother and I a better life.
I wanted to show them that it was worth it.
That the time we spent in the refugee camp, with them starving just to feed us, was all worth it, and it was worth it because I did something of value in the world.
Because I made the world a better place.
So on this specific day, almost 20 years ago now, I made a decision …
I decided I would make my dreams a reality and then show others how to do it!!
I committed to doing the work, to grow, to learn, to master my mindset, my frequency and the world of business ..
I became a Kinesiologist, a Master Coach, a Human Behavior Expert and did sooooo many certifications & personal/spiritual development programs, had so many coaches, mentors and healers… that I’ve truly lost count.
I studied Sales, Marketing, Business, Leadership, Wealth Creation, Quantum Physics and how to create a powerful Mind.
I became No.1 in 2 industries & achieved amazing results.
And then, my inner guidance whispered in my ear…
‘It is time… It is time to share this with others”
And I learned that our potential is limitless when we have a burning desire for something..

At the same time as I was guided to share these teachings with others, and build my coaching & seminar business, I ended a marriage.
Even though my heart was in pain, I was not going to let anything stop me from going after my dream.
Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I refocused all my energy on my new mission and I worked my “little inspired ass” off to make it happen.
And because I became the version of myself embodied in the frequency of my dream reality.
I achieved my dream.
I’m living my soul’s purpose ..
I’m living a life of freedom doing what I love …
I’m living a life of abundance …
& I’ve been living my soul’s purpose for many years now.
I now sit here writing this, reflecting back on that day almost 20 years ago … and I am feeling so much love and gratitude.
Because .. almost everyday we receive messages on social media or via email from people all over the world …
Telling us…..
“Thank you .. you have changed my life”